September 1, 2024
Dear Parents,
Native, Migrant & Bilingual programs are funded by federal education grants, provided to school districts to assist in helping students who qualify for these various programs and are behind in their academics. Research has found that helping students in early grades to “catch up” to their peers is the most effective way to improve their academic achievement in later years.
As a staff, we at Nespelem School District believe our common endeavor is your child’s success. By working collaboratively to provide a quality learning environment, each child will have the best opportunity to learn and develop to their maximum potential. Throughout the year we will host parent meetings and family nights, in which we encourage you to participate, as well as surveys asking for your input as to how our funds should be spent. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Thank you for working with us to give your child the best support we can possibly deliver. Together, we can make a difference!
Nespelem School District Staff
Nespelem School District Policy # 4321 Indian Policies and Procedures
Title VIII - Indian Policies and Procedures (IPP's)
SY 2024-25
It is the intent of the Nespelem School District that all children of school age have equal access to all programs, services and activities offered in the school district.
It is the intent of the Nespelem School District to fully comply with all requirements of Title VIII (Impact Aid Program) of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (formerly Public Law 81-874). The Nespelem School Board of Directors has adopted Policy 4321 Indian Policies and Procedures (IPP’3).
The Nespelem School District will seek input from parents of Indian children and local tribal officials in the planning and development of Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs), general education programs, and activities. These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually and revisions will be made within 90 days of the determination that requirements are not being adequately met.
The Nespelem School District attests that it has established Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs) as required in section 7004 of the Impact Aid law for any children claimed who reside on eligible Indian lands. The IPPs have been adequately disseminated to the tribes and parents of children residing on eligible Indian lands. A copy of the current policies and procedures is attached to the Impact Aid application.
The Nespelem School District attests that it has provided a copy of written responses to comments, concerns and recommendations received from tribal leaders and parents of Indian children through the Indian policies and procedures consultation process and disseminated these responses to tribal leaders and parents of Indian children prior to the submission of their FY 2026 Impact Aid application.
*The Tribal preferred method of communication is email & onsite handouts.
Indian Policies and Procedures
The following Indian policies and procedures become effective upon school board approval.
POLICY (1): The LEA will disseminate relevant applications, evaluations, program plans and information related to the LEA's education program and activities with sufficient advance notice to allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity to review and make recommendations. [34CFR222.94(a)(1)]
Procedure 1: The District Administrator / designee will, as soon as reasonably possible after such information becomes available, but not later than one week in advance of any meeting, disseminate by website, handout, or mail, to Indian parents and Tribal officials a copy of the following documents:
Current FY Impact Aid application (handout);
Evaluation of all educational programs (mail); and
Plans for education programs the District intends to initiate or eliminate (mail).
In addition, information regarding these materials will be included on the District's website.
Parents of Indian children, tribal officials and the public will be given notice of any and all meetings related to equal participation and / or educational program content. Information about meeting times and locations will be disseminated in the fall questionnaire and posted in the same manner as a legally posted Board meeting on the door and the WEB. Further, weekly handouts include all meeting dates & times. The School District calendar is distributed to parents at the beginning of the school year, through a weekly handout & email, as well as posted on the WEB.
POLICY (2): The Nespelem School District will provide an opportunity for the Confederated Colville Tribes and parents of Indian children to provide their views on the District's educational program and activities, including recommendations on the needs of their children and on how the Districi may help those children realize the benefits of the educational programs and activities. [34CFR222.94(a)(2))
Notify tribes and the parents of Indian children of the opportunity to submit comments and recommendations, considering the tribo's preference for method of communication, and
Modify the method of and time for soliciting Indian views, if necessary, to ensure the maximum participation of tribes and parents of Indian children.
Procedure 2:
The Indian Education Committee (Parent Advisory Committee) of the Nespelem School District will meet several times a year (i.e. October, January, March & May) for the purpose of addressing comments and concerns of parents of Indian children regarding the District's educational programs and activities. This will include acting upon the communities' preference for method of communication. The meeting agendas are posted on the WEB and handed out weekly and all meetings are open to the public allowing for tribal officials as well as parents of Indian children the opportunity to submit comments and recommendations for consideration, who receive an email. The District will schedule a consultation meeting with the Tribe for their input.
In the fall (September, October, November), a questionnaire will be distributed to parents of Indian children and mailed to tribal officials requesting their input and recommendations. This questionnaire will allow for additional commentary concerning (1) the needs of their children and the ways in which they can assist them in realizing the benefits of the education programs; (2) the overall operation of the District's education program; and (3) the degree of parental participation allowed in the same.
Indian parents and Tribal officials will be given notice of any and all meetings dealing with the dissemination of the above-referred questionnaire. Notices will be disseminated by weekly hand out & email in the fall semester pertaining to the location of legally posted Board notices. The location, date and time of any meeting described above shall be posted in the same manner as a legally posted Board meeting on the WEB, emailed and through a weekly handout
If participation in the questionnaire results in a low return rate or the established meeting yield low participation by the parents of Indian children and tribal officials, the Nespelem School District will re- evaluate its plan and consult with parents of Indian children and tribal officials on ways to improve and enhance participation in the consultation process. The School District may re-locate meetings or times to encourage participation based on data revealing the tribe's & families' preference for method of communication.
POLICY (3): The Nespelem School District will annually assess the extent to which Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children in the District's education program and activities. The Nespelem School District is comprised of 98% Indian children. [34CFR222.94(a)(3)]
Share relevant information related to Indian children's participation in the LEA's education program and activities with tribes and parents of Indian children; and
Allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity and time to review and comment on whether Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children.
Procedure 3:
The Nespelem School District is comprised of 98% Indian children. The District shall annually (March, April, May), analyze participation rates of Indian children compared to other children in all aspects of the educational program and school sponsored activities, in the spring.
The School District's Superintendent and school staff, in conjunction with the Indian Education Committee, will review annual survey data and comments gathered from families and students. The results of the data and its comments will be shared through updates, emails the WEB and meetings with all interested parties in the district. In addition, comments and/or suggestions brought forth from these conversations will become part of the Committee's approved minutes. This data will be utilized to develop appropriate supports for various programs.
The following measures will be used in the annual spring assessment;
A. The School District will monitor Indian student participation/ratios in all academic and
co-curricular activities continually.
B. School district officials will review school data to assess the extent of Indian children's
participation in the District's educational programs on an equal basis.
C. The School District will share its assessment of district funding, Indian student
participation, related academic achievements and other related data. This information will be shared with the parents of Indian children and tribal officials by written updates. cmails, Parent Advisory Committee meetings. District website, Local papers, etc., with at least a week's prior notice.
D. Parents of Indian children, tribal officials and other interested parties may express their views on participation through direct communication with the school district, at any school board meeting or to the Indian Education Committee (Parent Advisory Committee).
E. Copies of annual reports will be provided to tribal officials through email and parents
upon request.
POLICY (4): The Nespelem School District will modify the IPPs if necessary, based upon the results of any assessment or input described in this document. [34CRF222.94(a)(4)]
Procedure 4:
During the fall (September, October, November), organization meetings of the Indian Education Committee / Parent Advisory Committee, the Indian Policies and Procedures will be reviewed and revised if necessary. Once this happens, the document will be forwarded through email to the Nespelem School Board as well as the tribal officials and handouts to the parents of Indian children for review and consideration. If necessary, the Indian Education Committee may suggest revisions at other times of the year as appropriate. Any updates will be handed out or mailed to parents of Indian children and emailed or handed to tribal officials within 30 days of adoption by the Nespelem School Board.
POLICY (5): The Nespelem School District will respond at least annually in writing to comments and recommendations made by tribes or parents of Indian children, and disseminate the responses to the tribe and parents of Indian children prior to the submission of the IPPs by the LEA. [34CRF222 .94(a)(5)]
Procedure 5:
The Nespelem School District will at least annually respond in writing through handouts, emails. mailings, or WEB postings, to comments and recommendations made by the Indian Education Committee (Parent Advisory Committee), tribal officials, or parents of Indian children, and disseminate the responses from the District Director to all parties (by written handouts, mailings, or email to the Parent Advisory Committee, & District website) prior to the submission of the IPPs by the District.
POLICY (6): The Nespelem School District will provide a copy of the IPPs annually to the affected tribe or tribes. [34CR F222.94 (a)(6)]
Procedure 6:
The Nespelem School District will annually provide a copy of the current Indian Policies and Procedures to the Confederated Colville Tribes by email before meeting with tribal officials.
Board Chair;/ Jolene Marchand
Board Secretary: E. Dean
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